Several people suffer from belly fat problem. We all try various forms of meal plans and muscle triggering sessions to reduce some inches from the stomach section. However, to do these properly, it is necessary that you know the proper foods and also the proper forms of Yoga exercises that help in this regard. 
Yoga asanas for weight loss is an effective alternative. By adopting the methods of yoga, one can reduce weight, control the body and soul. Along with these benefits, one can also experience mental peace. Read more here:

3 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Thrush is a fungal infection that occurs due to the overgrowth of fungus named as Candida albicans. Among other causes are prolonged illness, pregnancy, smoking, dentures, weak immune system, stress, continuous medication like chemotherapy, birth control pills, and antibiotics. 
Though it is not a serious problem, but sometimes it can be really irritating due to its symptoms like pain & soreness inside the mouth, itchiness, swelling, redness, inflammation, creamy white discharge apart from other symptoms (in vaginal thrush), and white patches in the mouth, tongue, lips or throat. Read more here:

22 Amazing Home Remedies to Get Rid of Thrush

Have you ever heard of Sole water? If not, that’s okay lots of people probably have not but it’s time you learned about this amazing, 100-percent natural drink.
Sole water (pronounced so-lay), is not a miracle cure or hip new fad, but rather a life-supporting mixture of mineral rich, unrefined salt and water that supports the body’s natural ability to regulate and heal itself. The term Sole comes from the Latin sol, which means sun. Read more here:

7 Reasons to Drink Warm Salt Water Every Morning

The Lemon Diet, also known as the master cleanse, is a diet resulting in rapid weight loss over a period of several days to about a week. Lemons being rich in antioxidants and vitamins, helps to detox the body. Thus, it is very important to introduce citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit, oranges and kiwi in your daily diet.
The lemon detox diet was popularized by singer Beyonce Knowles who announced at the Oprah Winfrey Show that she lived on a lemon diet with cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 15 days and lost 20 pounds (9 kgs) in two weeks. Read more here:

The Lemonade Detox Diet – A Simple Recipe For Weight Loss

You ate your weight in pie and shortbread and now you’re wondering if a cleanse or detox diet is the only way to lose weight fast.  I totally can appreciate the panic. There were cocktail parties every night, truffles on every office desk and most days you ate leftover mini sausage rolls for lunch.
 But after the hangover clears on January 1st, it’s easy to do a 180 and flip into detox diet mode. No sugar. No gluten. No alcohol. No fun. Got-to-drop-15-pounds-like-NOW. If this sounds like your current state of desperation, take a deep breath, watch my video on cleanses, detoxes and how to lose weight fast and meet me back in here two. Read more here:

Skip the Post-Holiday Detox Cleanse for Weight Loss with These Top 10 Tips

None of us like to talk about it because it’s not a nice thing to experience. Being constipated makes your abdomen feel full, tight, bloated and can also be very uncomfortable and even downright painful.
Well you’ll be happy to know that there are natural ways to cure this issue that are going to be far better than pharmaceuticals. I don’t get constipation all that much but if I ever do these methods shift things very quickly. And clients of mine have also found these tips very beneficial. Read more here:

Things That Make You Go Poop! fastest Cure For Constipation :)

You know the scene: It's 6 a.m., you're snoozing until the last possible second you need to get up, and you definitely can't function until you've had your first sip of coffee. Chances are, you're also struggling with your morning beauty routine or lack thereof. 
If you're willing to skip important things  like a well-balanced breakfast or showering just to catch some extra zzz's, then the thought of waking up early to set the hot rollers is probably hilarious (or terrifying) to you. Well, you no longer have to choose between sleep and beauty. Read more here:

50 Genius Morning Beauty Hacks Lazy Girls Will Love