
10 Makeup Cleaning Tips From a Makeup Artist!

Makeup looks pretty, but leaves a pretty sizeable mess behind. And funny enough, before I got into to doing videos, I really didn’t have much interest in heavy makeup.  I mean, I wore mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow every now and then and lipstick for special occasions.  I had my makeup done for my wedding and the artist did a KILLER job. 
While she was doing it I was just fascinated by all the products and tools she was using.  I thought that there was no way I’d be able to pull that all off.  But, as time went on and I started doing more videos alongside us getting an HD video camera, makeup quickly became a necessity.  HD picks up every single flaw, so there’s some prep work required before you go on camera.  If you’re a friend of mine, you’ll know that I am a pretty casual girl and hardly wear makeup otherwise. Source: