
[NUTRITION] Is Exercise Making You Fat? Evidence on Mistakes & Myths on Exercise & Weight Loss

It’s been drilled heavily into our brains like a child is taught the alphabet – weight loss is a simple energy equation. Expel more then you ingest, and voila- you drop a pants size. And technically, this should be true. There was a very interesting Randomized Control Trial put participants through a carefully controlled caloric deficit using either exercise or diet. 
As science would suggest, they both lost the same amount of weight (7.5 kg over 3 months) and actually, the exercise-induced weight loss group lost 1.3 kg more from fat than the diet-induced group. So it works, right? Well, technically, yes, but we don’t live in a highly controlled lab with technicians carefully controlling each and every step we take and crumb that touches our lips. Read more here: